Modul:Labelled list hatnote

    Viki Cavab saytından
    en>Nazarzadeh (1 revision imported) tərəfindən edilmiş 12:40, 10 oktyabr 2022 tarixli redaktə
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    Bu modulun sənədləşdirmə səhifəsi Modul:Labelled list hatnote/doc səhifəsində yaradıla bilər

    --                               Labelled list                                --
    --                                                                            --
    -- This module does the core work of creating a hatnote composed of a list    --
    -- prefixed by a colon-terminated label, i.e. "LABEL: [andList of pages]",    --
    -- for {{see also}} and similar templates.                                    --
    local mHatnote = require('Module:Hatnote')
    local mHatlist = require('Module:Hatnote list')
    local mArguments --initialize lazily
    local yesno --initialize lazily
    local p = {}
    -- Defaults global to this module
    local defaults = {
    	label = 'See also', --Final fallback for label argument
    	labelForm = '%s: %s',
    	prefixes = {'label', 'label ', 'l'},
    	template = 'Module:Labelled list hatnote'
    -- Localizable message strings
    local msg = {
    	errorSuffix = '#Errors',
    	noInputWarning = 'no page names specified',
    	noOutputWarning =
    		"'''[[%s]] — no output: none of the target pages exist.'''"
    -- Helper function that pre-combines display parameters into page arguments.
    -- Also compresses sparse arrays, as a desirable side-effect.
    function p.preprocessDisplays (args, prefixes)
    	-- Prefixes specify which parameters, in order, to check for display options
    	-- They each have numbers auto-appended, e.g. 'label1', 'label 1', & 'l1'
    	prefixes = prefixes or defaults.prefixes
    	local indices = {}
    	local sparsePages = {}
    	for k, v in pairs(args) do
    		if type(k) == 'number' then
    			indices[#indices + 1] = k
    			local display
    			for i = 1, #prefixes do
    				display = args[prefixes[i] .. k]
    				if display then break end
    			sparsePages[k] = display and
    				string.format('%s|%s', string.gsub(v, '|.*$', ''), display) or v
    	local pages = {}
    	for k, v in ipairs(indices) do pages[#pages + 1] = sparsePages[v] end
    	return pages
    --Helper function to get a page target from a processed page string
    --e.g. "Page|Label" → "Page" or "Target" → "Target"
    local function getTarget(pagename)
     	local pipe = string.find(pagename, '|')
    	return string.sub(pagename, 0, pipe and pipe - 1 or nil)
    -- Produces a labelled pages-list hatnote.
    -- The main frame (template definition) takes 1 or 2 arguments, for a singular
    -- and (optionally) plural label respectively:
    -- * {{#invoke:Labelled list hatnote|labelledList|Singular label|Plural label}}
    -- The resulting template takes pagename & label parameters normally.
    function p.labelledList (frame)
    	mArguments = require('Module:Arguments')
    	yesno = require('Module:Yesno')
    	local labels = {frame.args[1] or defaults.label}
    	labels[2] = frame.args[2] or labels[1]
    	labels[3] = frame.args[3] --no defaulting
    	labels[4] = frame.args[4] --no defaulting
    	local template = frame:getParent():getTitle()
    	local args = mArguments.getArgs(frame, {parentOnly = true})
    	local pages = p.preprocessDisplays(args)
    	local options = {
    		category = yesno(args.category),
    		extraclasses = frame.args.extraclasses,
    		ifexists = yesno(frame.args.ifexists),
    		namespace = frame.args.namespace or args.namespace,
    		selfref = yesno(frame.args.selfref or args.selfref),
    		template = template
    	return p._labelledList(pages, labels, options)
    function p._labelledList (pages, labels, options)
    	if options.ifexists then
    		for k = #pages, 1, -1 do --iterate backwards to allow smooth removals
    			local v = pages[k]
    			local title =, namespace)
    			if (v == '') or title == nil or not title.exists then
    				table.remove(pages, k)
    	labels = labels or {}
    	label = (#pages == 1 and labels[1] or labels[2]) or defaults.label
    	for k, v in pairs(pages) do 
    		if mHatnote.findNamespaceId(v) ~= 0 then
    			label =
    					#pages == 1 and
    					(labels[3] or labels[1] or defaults.label) or
    					(labels[4] or labels[2] or defaults.label)
    				) or defaults.label
    	if #pages == 0 then
    		if options.ifexists then
    					msg.noOutputWarning, options.template or defaults.template
    			return ''
    			return mHatnote.makeWikitextError(
    				(options.template or defaults.template) .. msg.errorSuffix,
    	local text = string.format(
    		options.labelForm or defaults.labelForm,
    		mHatlist.andList(pages, true)
    	local hnOptions = {
    		extraclasses = options.extraclasses,
    		selfref = options.selfref
    	return mHatnote._hatnote(text, hnOptions)
    return p